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🐋 Docker Setup

Hellow fellow docker mates. So the setup for docker isn't terribly hard, matter of fact, might be easier than normal setup.

Standard Setup

  1. Please visit the config doc (ignore the .env section) to setup your configuration file
  2. Modify the locales if needed
  3. Boot up the container
    • For Linux, run: TOKEN=[REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR DISCORD TOKEN] docker compose up -d
    • For Windows, export env variable for TOKEN, then run docker compose up -d

Data directory

All of the data are stored in /opt/ticket-bot/ (including bot's config file).


  • For any source updates, rebuild the container using docker compose up -d --build
  • To update config files, go to the data directory /opt/ticket-bot/config and update it there; make sure to restart the container when finish making changes.