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🤖 Create a discord bot

Go to the Discord developer portal and create a new application.
Then click on the button "New Application" and give it a name. Then click on the button "Create". Ticket Bot discord.js v14
Now go on the tab "Bot"
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And then click on the "Add Bot" button and then click on "Yes, do it!"
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Enable Intents

It's super important to enable intents for your bot to work properly.
Go to the tab "Bot" and scroll down to the "Privileged Gateway Intents" section.
And enable the 3 intents and then click on "Save Changes".
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Invite the bot

⚠️ Your bot absolutely need the ADMINISTRATOR permission to work properly.
Go to the tab "OAuth2" and "URL Generator".
Select the "bot" and "applications.commands" scopes and the "Administrator" permission.
Then select the Administrator permission and then click on the "Copy" button at the bottom.
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Now you can paste the link in your browser and invite your bot to your server.