⚙️ Configuration
Environment Variable
First, you should setup the environment variable by moving .env.example
to .env
The configuration should contain
# Your discord token
# Prisma Database URL (refer to docs for more details)
- Your discord token goes hereDATABASE_URL
- The database conenction url (visit Prisma Setup if you want to use different database)
Note for inexperienced users: .env is the default way of setting up the environment. If you're using services like replit, they'll provide you with a more secure way of storing environment variable, and you should use that instead.
General Configuration
Next, setup the configuration file by moving config/config.example.jsonc
to config/config.jsonc
not .json
Notes for ticketTypes
cannot be duplicated.- You technically can have more than 25
, but cannot show more than 25 at a time to user.- Easiest way to achieve that is by using
- Easiest way to achieve that is by using
The configuration should contain
"clientId": "1111111111111111111", // The id of the discord bot
"guildId": "1111111111111111111", // The id of the discord server
"mainColor": "#f6c42f", // The hex color of the embeds by default
"lang": "main", // If you want to set english please set "main"
"openTicketChannelId": "1111111111111111111", // The id of the channel where the message to create a ticket will be sent
"ticketTypes": [
// You have a limit of 25 types (the limit of Discord)
"codeName": "category-one", // The name need to be in lowercase
"name": "Category One", // The name that will be displayed in the ticket
"description": "Description of Category One", // The description of the Ticket in Create Ticket Menu
"emoji": "💡", // The emoji of the type (can be blank)
"color": "", // Can be a hex color or blank to use the main color
"categoryId": "1111111111111111111", // The category id where the tickets will be created
"ticketNameOption": "💡ticket-TICKETCOUNT", // Here is all parameter: USERNAME, USERID, TICKETCOUNT (set to blank to use the default name)
"customDescription": "", // The custom description of the ticket type, here is all parameter: USERNAME, USERID, TICKETCOUNT, REASON1, 2, ect (set to blank to use the default description)
"cantAccess": ["1111111111111111111"], // The roles who can't access to this ticket type
"askQuestions": false, // If the bot should ask the reason of the ticket
"questions": [], // Leave blank if you don't want to ask questions
"staffRoles": [] // Category specific staff role (instead of the default ones)
"codeName": "category-two", // The name need to be in lowercase
"name": "Category Two", // The name that will be displayed in the ticket
"description": "Description of Category Two", // The description of the Ticket in Create Ticket Menu
"emoji": "🛑", // The emoji of the type (can be blank)
"color": "#f8312f", // Can be a hex color or blank to use the main color
"categoryId": "1111111111111111111", // The category id where the tickets will be created
"ticketNameOption": "", // Here is all parameter: USERNAME, USERID, TICKETCOUNT (set to blank to use the default name)
"customDescription": "Please explain your report in detail. If you have any images, please attach them to your message.", // The custom description of the ticket type, here is all parameter: USERNAME, USERID, TICKETCOUNT, REASON1, 2, ect (set to blank to use the default description)
"cantAccess": ["2222222222222222222"], // The roles who can't access to this ticket type
"askQuestions": false, // If the bot should ask the reason of the ticket
"questions": [], // Leave blank if you don't want to ask questions
"staffRoles": [] // Category specific staff role (instead of the default ones)
"codeName": "other", // The name need to be in lowercase
"name": "Other", // The name that will be displayed in the ticket
"description": "Description of Category Other", // The description of the Ticket in Create Ticket Menu
"emoji": "", // The emoji of the type (can be blank)
"color": "", // Can be a hex color or blank to use the main color
"categoryId": "1111111111111111111", // The category id where the tickets will be created
"ticketNameOption": "", // Here is all parameter: USERNAME, USERID, TICKETCOUNT (set to blank to use the default name)
"customDescription": "Thank you for your ticket, a staff will reply you as soon as possible\n\n__**What is the reason of the ticket?**__: REASON1", // The custom description of the ticket type, here is all parameter: USERNAME, USERID, TICKETCOUNT, REASON1, 2, ect (set to blank to use the default description)
"cantAccess": [], // The roles who can't access to this ticket type
"askQuestions": true, // If the bot should ask the reason of the ticket
"staffRoles": [], // Category specific staff role (instead of the default ones)
"questions": [
// Maximum of 5 questions can be set due to discord's limit
"label": "What is the reason of the ticket?",
"placeholder": "Please enter the reason",
"maxLength": 1000
"ticketNameOption": "Ticket-TICKETCOUNT", // Here is all parameter: USERNAME, USERID, TICKETCOUNT
// Ticket Claim Options
"claimOption": {
"claimButton": true, // Whether to enable ticket claim button or not
// The X can be replaced with S (The staff that claimed the ticket) or U (The user that created the ticket)
"nameWhenClaimed": "✔️ Ticket-TICKETCOUNT", // Here is all parameter: X_USERNAME, X_USERID, TICKETCOUNT
"categoryWhenClaimed": "" // The category the ticket is moved to when claimed
"rolesWhoHaveAccessToTheTickets": ["1111111111111111111", "2222222222222222222"], // Roles who can access to the tickets (Like the staff)/ Treat this as global admin role type of thing.
"rolesWhoCanNotCreateTickets": [], // Roles who can not create a tickets (Like a blacklist)
"pingRoleWhenOpened": true,
"roleToPingWhenOpenedId": ["1111111111111111111"], // The role to ping when a ticket is opened
"logs": true,
"logsChannelId": "1111111111111111111", // The id of the channel where the logs will be sent
"closeOption": {
"closeButton": true, // If false the ticket can be closed only by doing /closes
"dmUser": true, // Whether to DM the user when the ticket is closed
"createTranscript": true, // If set to true, when the ticket is closed a transcript will be generated and sent in the logs channel
"askReason": true, // If false the ticket will be closed without asking the reason
"whoCanCloseTicket": "STAFFONLY", // STAFFONLY (roles configured at "rolesWhoHaveAccessToTheTickets") or EVERYONE
"deleteTicket": false, // when enabled, it will delete the ticket on clicking close button
"closeTicketCategoryId": "" // The id of the category where a closed ticket will be moved to. Leave blank to disable this feature
"uuidType": "uuid", // uuid or emoji
"status": {
"enabled": true, // If you want to enable the status of the bot
"text": "github.com/Sayrix", // The text of the status
"url": "https://twitch.tv/grimkujow", // The url of the status if the type is STREAMING (can be blank)
"status": "online" // online, idle, dnd, invisible set to online if the type is STREAMING
"maxTicketOpened": 0, // The number of tickets the user can open while another one is already open. Set to 0 to unlimited
Whether or not to minimizing the tracking data that are being sent
Enabling this will cause the telemetry to only send the software version and node version
"minimalTracking": false,
// Hide internal websocket logs
"showWSLog": false
Change some embeds
If you want to change some embeds, you can edit the json of locales in the /locales
folder. By default the bot use main.json
but you can edit it to use another language.